These questions always make me think which is something that really takes time. Thank you Joyce.
1. The last place you visited/patronized where you felt like you were given 'the royal treatment'?
2. The last task you completed that was a 'royal pain'?
WOW this one is hard because there is really nothing that I can think of that is a real 'royal pain' to do. I guess paying bills. It's a necessary evil I guess.
3. How have your strengths helped you succeed? How have your faults hindered you?
Living with cancer can really create times of depression, but I refuse to go there. I keep looking for the things that I can still do and really try to not think about the things that I can no longer do.
As for my faults, I tend to go to the dark side of things fast. Example: I have a doctor's appointment Friday with one of my oncologists and my mind wants to think "Oh No! We're out of options and he is going to tell me that I'm out of time?" See...the dark side! I really have to yell at myself and say "NO! He's going to me tell me what the new plan is and that it will all be OK. That I'm strong enough to tackle this."
4. If you found a remote that could rewind, fast forward, stop and start time, what would you do with it?
Well it sure wouldn't be 'fast forward'! Time goes by too fast as it is. I'm sure not going to help it along. I think I would like to rewind and relive some of the great times we had when our kids were little but I wonder if I would still make the same mistakes. Maybe I'd just toss the remote because I'm not sure you can relive the past without changing it which would change the present. I like the present.
5. Any special plans for the Memorial Day weekend? Will you in some way honor or recognize the meaning of this day (remembering people who died in service to their country)? Have you ever been to Arlington National Cemetery? Does your town do anything special to mark the day?
We will most likely lay low. Nothing special although I would like to go the beach and walk around if the weather is nice. I've not been to Arlington National Cemetery but it's on my bucket list. Our town does have a cute parade which is always fun. Of course there will be tv movies about WWII that we will most likely watch and remember. My dad was not in the military but my Father-In-Law was. So we will watch and thank all of the military for their sacrifice.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Well my white count came up so thank you all for the many prayers. I still can't start Chemo however, because in the 3 weeks we waited for the white count to grow, the cancer grew very fast. So on Friday, we see my oncologist to create a new plan. Not sure what that plan will be, but we'll talk.
There is a shingles vaccine that is a dead vaccine and one that my primary care doctor said I can have. So we are going to talk about that with our oncologist and see if I can get it. It will mean that I can stop taking the pill that I now take 2x a day to prevent getting the shingles! That is huge! I can now stop taking the drug to lower my cholesterol as it is down. I love not having to take so many drugs.
Happy Memorial Day to you all and Thank you to all those who have served in the past and continue to serve today.